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Why is your website slow? Check How to Speed ​​Up the Next Website

Posted by Driver Printer Download on Friday, 8 May 2020

When you want to have a website , you have to prepare everything to support the performance of the website, including finding out how to speed up the website. Because the speed of loading  a website to be one important element that is rated Google when determining the ranking or ranking in Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP) .
You can test your website loading speed at: GT Metrix , WebPageTest , Varvy Pagespeed, or PingDom . If there is still a CF value, you must find out why your website is slow and how to speed up the website to handle it.
How to speed up a website:
  1. Find out what is causing your website to slow down.
  2. Scale the image on the website. Incorrect image scaling will slow down website loading.
  3. Image optimization.
  4. Use themes and plugins effectively, no need to overdo it.
  5. Use the best hosting provider.
  6. Always update the CMS you are using.

Of course, nobody likes slow websites . Based on research from Unbounce , a user will only wait for three seconds to wait for the website to load. Means you need to set your website in such a way that when clicked, your website can be faster than 3 seconds. This research is in line with Google, which recommends that website loading take no more than 5 seconds.
The following are some of the causes of slow websites that may be the cause of your website being slow when accessed.
  1. Image is not optimized

    Attaching images to web pages or to content on a blog can make it easier for visitors to digest the information you provide. Therefore, you need to make sure that you use the right images with good quality. However, images can be a problem if they are not optimized. As a result, your visitors have to wait a long time to see the attached image.
  2. Does not adjust the image scale

    Not much different from optimizing the size of the image, adjust the image scale you also need to do to increase website loading speed For example, if the image format on your website is 500px x 500px, but you include images with a size of 1080px x 1080px of course this will make loading your website slower. The website you have to work extra to reset the corresponding image scale back every time a website be loaded .
  3. Does not use caching plugin

    The cache functions to store images, text, and flash files that you have ever had on a website . As a website owner , you are responsible for ensuring that your website remains quickly accessible. Look carefully, because you will find out about plugins on the topic on how to speed up the website below.
  4. Tidak meminify JSS Script

    If you don't understand coding , you should know that there are at least three types of code used to build a website , namely HTML, CSS, and JSS. One type of code, JavaScript Style Sheets (JSS), is useful for activating the script structure function from HTML and layout design from CSS. If you don't simplify JSS Script, this can also be a problem with your website speed .
  5. Using too many plugins

    Plugins are important instruments that can optimize the performance and appearance of your website . However, pay attention to the quantity of plugins that you use on the website . Google often doesn't rank well enough for websites that use too many plugins because they are considered spam and are not safe. In addition, using two plugins with the same function will not make it effective, instead it will damage the main function of the plugin.
  6. The server and hosting are having problems

    Not only from the internal settings of your website , but slow websites can also be caused by the use of servers or hosting that is not right. Understand what hosting is, the benefits, and the types of articles " Is Hosting an Important Factor for You? ". One of the articles mentioned in the article is cloud -based internet hosting, the fastest and most secure type of hosting provided by Dewaweb  Dewaweb as the best hosting service provider in Indonesia provides cloud hosting with the latest technology for your website's maximum speed.
  7. Too many widgets on one page

    For the sake of supporting an attractive appearance that is pleasing to the eye, you do need to use a theme. But, not only appearance, the theme you use must also be responsive and not excessive. For example, you don't need to use two to three sliders on one page, or put a menu as well as an extra toolbar on the main page, because that only slows the speed of your website .
  8. Using an older version of CMS

    A Content Management System alias CMS is a container that you use to manage content. Depending on the type of website , there are several types of CMS that are often used, one of which is famous is WordPress. Currently, WordPress already uses a version called Gutenberg to manage content. If you are still using the old version (Classic Editor), you not only miss updates from WordPress, but unfortunately support for the Classic Editor version of the CMS WordPress will stop at the end of 2021.

Slow Website Losses

If the causes of a slow website alone cannot convince you why you need to know how to speed up a website , here are some losses that will sooner or later befall the slow website .
  1. Google doesn't like it much

    Google conveys some qualifications so that a website can be considered credible, one of which is the speed of the website . If your website is not liked by Google, this will lead to further losses.
  2. Difficult to increase ranking

    Yes, it's hard to raise rank . The reason is, Google does three steps when analyzing a website , namely crawling , indexing , then ranking . If your website doesn't meet one of its qualifications, Google will place your website in a low ranking.
  3. Low traffic

    Slow websites don't just get low rankings from Google. But, try to position yourself as a visitor who has to wait a few seconds (even minutes) just to open one page of the website , it's boring right? Not only does it get low traffic , slow websites can also increase bounce rates that aren't very good for your website .
  4. Conversion rate

    If this happens, it means that your slow website has begun to influence the external factors of the website . That is, if no one visits your website , it means that the exposure or awareness you are aiming for on the website is not producing results. Finally, visitors who have the potential to become customers will feel reluctant and leave the website immediately (again affecting the bounce rate ) .

    How to Speed ​​up a Website

    After knowing the speed of your website , the cause of the slow website to the loss that you will experience, it's time to anticipate by knowing how to speed up the website. The following are ways that you can apply.

   Image Optimization

    The first way to speed up a website is to compress and scale the image.
- Image compress

The picture above is an example of poor speed test results on gtmetrix.com. The solution is that you can compress the  image before uploading it to the article. Use the free tools available on several platforms such as  TinyPNG ,  picresize.com , and others.

- Adjust Image Scale properly

The picture above is an example of speed test results with poor results of served scaled images . The solution is you have to resize  your image size. You can use some of the tools  as listed above or the photo editing feature that is owned by WordPress. Here is how:
    1. Select "Media" on the menu on the WordPress Admin main page. Next you will be directed to a collection of images that you have uploaded. Select the photo you want to zoom out.

2. On the top right is information related to the image displayed. In this example, the original size of the image is 1 MB with dimensions of 1440 × 697. Click "Edit Image".

3. Change the dimension numbers in the upper right, then click "Scale". We changed the number 1440 × 697 to 600 × 290 (the following size is just an example, you have to adjust the size yourself according to your website. Check recommendations from gtmerix.com). After that, don't forget to click the "Save" button below the image.
4. Done. If done correctly, now the size of the image in your article should be smaller.

  • Automatic

This automated method can greatly help you optimize images. But first, make sure your website already uses the LiteSpeed ​​Cache plugin that has been activated. It's called automatic because you only need to send one image optimization request to the center. After that, the images on your website are automatically optimized. Here's how:

1. On the WP Admin dashboard page , hover over the LiteSpeed ​​Cache menu, then select Image Optimization.

2. Click "Send Optimization Request" then you only need to wait until the image on your website is optimized.

3. This is a report display that you can check after the image on your website has been optimized. If you want to speed up the optimization process, you can take your own image results by clicking "Pull Images" as shown.

  1. Use plugins effectively

    Using plugins is an easy way to speed up a website without having to master coding. Its function is to improve website performance   There are various types of different plugins with the same purpose. Therefore, you must be smart to choose which plugin is the most appropriate. For example some of these important plugins:

  • LiteSpeed ​​Cache for in-depth caching management with websites with WordPress CMS so your website is fast.
  • Yoast SEO which contains keyword analysis, article writing structure, and use of words in the title and subtitles of your article to make it easier for Google to understand.
  • Jetpack contains features to support the performance of your website , some of its main features are down time monitoring website statistics checking , and easy addition of comments and subscriptions .
  • Elegant Themes not only provides an easy-to-manage Divi theme, but can also display a sharing menu so that readers of articles on your website can share it on social media through Monarch Social Sharing. Get and claim this plugin for free from Dewaweb if you have the Warrior cloud hosting package and above.
  • An actuary that removes the spammy comments that normally appear in your articles until your website is considered spam by Google.

  1. Don't use the plugin too much

    In the previous point you already knew that you had to be smart in choosing plugins. However, that does not mean you are using various plugins with one common purpose. For example using the Loginizer plugin which is useful for preventing brute force while using the Jetpack plugin with the same function. If you still do something like this, it's better to choose one of the two.
  2. Reduce excess theme accessories and widgets

    Of course, you want visitors to enjoy the website design that you display. However, besides using themes, pay attention to other menus or widgets that you embed on web pages , such as sliders or galleries. If you want to add a newsletter subscription , you should not attach it to the main page, but place it at the bottom or side of the article that you created. Make your website look as effective and simple as possible. Remember, less is more .
  3. Using the right server or hosting

    Server or hosting is like a home for your website . Therefore, make sure you have a sturdy "home" so that when something happens, you don't need to worry. Also, make sure the server or hosting you use can make your website faster and safer so that visitors can always be relied on. The good news, you can get this benefit from all hosting packages on Dewaweb.
    Currently, Dewaweb's latest technology standard that uses Intel Xeon Gold Cascade Lake and Ultra Fast NVMe SSD Storage can provide cloud hosting performance for your website up to 5x faster than the previous generation. Visit the page cloud hosting Dewaweb so that you can search for package hosting best fits the budget-mu. (tips: don't forget to use the promo code!)
  4. Update the CMS version

    Yep, changing CMS to the latest version is also important. If your CMS still uses Classic Editor, you can change to the Gutenberg version by clicking the "Writing" option in the Settings menu in the menu bar, then change the default editor options from Classic Editor to Block Editor as shown below.

The knot

After learning how to check speed to how to speed up a website , do you now understand that website speed is important? In addition, it's also not difficult to learn why your website is slow and how to speed up the website  without the need to go into coding ?

In essence, you should be able to provide the best performance of the website for visitors. Especially if they are new to you through your website . What image do you want to show them? Of course, it's not assumed that your website is slow, right? Therefore, even without coding, make sure your website design is also accompanied by the effectiveness of the functions behind it. Ready to receive high traffic ?
Moreover, considering that the government is currently implementing Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in almost all parts of Indonesia, it seems that this is the right moment to improve your website . For the sake of the success of the government program, Dewaweb also invites you to remain #dirumahaja while enjoying a recurring discount of 25% for the purchase and upgrade of  cloud hosting using the "SUKSESDARIRUMAH" promo code. What are you waiting for? Select a package hosting thy right now and enjoy all the benefits!

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