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Here's How Hackers Hack into Your Device

Posted by Driver Printer Download on Friday, 29 May 2020

Hackers have a variety of ways to trick victims. Therefore, as a user of a device that is connected to the internet, you are required to be careful when browsing .
Bait and Switch
By using Bait and Switch, hackers can run malicious programs that can fool victims as genuine programs. After the victim installs the program on a device, the hacker can access the system on the device you are using.
Cookie theft
Cookies are small pieces of information stored on a site on the user's computer. The information is usually used as a reminder when users want to visit it again.
In a browser, cookies store personal information such as internet browsing history, usernames and keywords of the sites we access. Once you get access to cookie storage, a hacker can authenticate himself as a user in a browser.
ClickJakcing is also known to have other names such as UI Redress. This type of attack is disguised as a UI (interface) in the form of a new layer that tricks its victims into clicking a button or link from another site's page. In other words, the hacker redirects the page that should be directed by the user to the pages of the site that become a trap of hackers .
Viruses, Trojans, and others
Virus or Trojan is a malicious program that is installed into the victim's system. Usually by using a virus or Trojan, hackers can obtain information that is owned by the victim.
Pishing technique is one method that is often used by hackers to trap victims. Hackers will make a replica of the most visited sites by making as close as possible to the original site.
Therefore, victims do not realize that the site they accessed is a scam site. Once a user logs in and fills in data, the hacker can get information from the target.

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